
Here is the current committee:

• Graham Taylor-Russell (Chair), Albert Road

• Neil Coe (Vice-chair; Conservation and planning matters), Edward Road

• Debbie Taylor-Russell (Secretary), Albert Road

• Grazka Kazmierska (Treasurer), Victor Road

• Hassan Al-Omari, Princes Road

• Robin Middleton, Albert Road

• Barbara Winter, Albert Road

• Kathy Dewar, Victor Road

• Dominic Rathbone, Victor Road

• Adrian Rotheray, Victor Road


The Road Representatives are:

• Hassan Al-Omari: Hardings Lane and Princes Road
• Barbara Winter: Albert Road
• Dominic Rathbone: Victor Road

We need a Road Representative for Edward Road

Other ARA members with specific roles are:

• Bruce Tozer (Shed Coordinator), Victor Road

We are looking for volunteers to fill the following positions:

• Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator
• Social Event Coordinator

To raise issues that you wish to draw to the attention of the association, please contact your road representative or email